Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Physics in Science Fiction

The topic of outter space has been coming up recently in physics class. It has reminded me about movies and books like 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and even Star Wars. There are a lot things that defy physics in these books and movies which is cool but there are a lot of things that correspond to real physics which is even cooler. One thing that corresponds to what we are learning recently is space stations. In order for humans that live on space stations to feel the same gravitational force they would on earth the space station would have to some how create 1 g of force on the station. This can be done by manipulating the radial distance and the rotational speed. A space stations radial distance would have to be large enough to make the effects of different g's on your body go away. The larger the radial distance or the faster the speed the more centripetal and centrifugal force there would be. Centripetal force are the forces that keep an object in a circular motion and centrifugal force is a sensation or feeling of an outward force because of the inertia or natural tendencies of your bodies motion. It's pretty cool that artificial gravity could be created in outter space and the method is something that I actually understand. Science fiction is pretty cool.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Inaccurate Lyrics

The other day I was listening to the radio and I heard some lyrics that were inaccurate, physically speaking. The words were "the work I've done trying to move this immovable wall..."

These words are incorrect according to equation work=force x distance. No work is being done on the wall if it does not move any amount of distance. While work may be done with the person's muscles, no work is being done to the wall if the wall does not move even if he is pushing with all the force in the world. It is pretty amazing that I am hearing physics in music I listen to. I never thought I would think about school things when listening to music. That shows you anything is possible. I think I will try not to write anything physically inaccurate in my songs unless it gives another dimension to my music and I recognize it.