I could write an epic essay on how I have learned much in physics but instead I will, for the readers benefit, write a blog length forum. Physics is a super fun subject and I am beginning to put together that everything has a relation to physics in some way. I really enjoy the various labs and experiments we do in class because it really connects me to a physical sense of what is going on instead of just words explaining it to me. My goal in physics class is just to gain a better grasp on the world around me. It is easy to be ignorant and not fully understand the complications of the world but I would like to comprehend the underlying roots of reason. I feel that I had a good first quarter. My homework, quizzes, tests, journals, and projects all came together to give me a better understanding of the subject. I could improve on my labs with certain questions. Sometimes I do not at first fully comprehend the relevance of a question and it catches me off guard. I'm sure if I just more thoroughly thought about the question I could figure out an answer for it. I truly find physics a fun class and I have learned a lot about various topics like waves, forms of energy, and different kind of forces. But those things have only scratched the surface and I am, just like Jables and Kage from Tenacios D, going after the P.O.D (Pick of Destiny) or in my case Physics On Demand. Keep up the great work Mr. Kohara. Experiments Rule!!!!
seriously pablo, your journal sounds so smart with all these big words and extravagant phrases!!!its crazy! i wish i could write like you. so intriquite! chee hee!
tenacious d :)
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